Google Nest, Cameras

Role: Senior UX Engineer (Contract)
Client: Google
Team: Google Nest, Magnit
Technology: TypeScript, HTML, CSS, GSAP, XState, LitElement, Open Web Components, GCP


Video history, within the Google Home app, is a way for users to quickly find footage on their Google Nest cameras.


Improve the Google Nest cameras experience within the Google Home App.


  • Enable video history scrubbing for finer-level control in portrait and landscape orientation
  • Enable consistency across all cameras in the Nest portfolio

Role and Team

My responsibilities included delivering high-quality prototypes in multiple orientations and configurations. These prototypes were used to conduct a number of user research studies, collect feedback and incorporate critical feedback into future prototypes. I collaborated closely with UX team including designers, engineers, researchers, design program managers, design managers.

Results and Learnings

  • The improved experience was released in the redesigned Google Home App.
  • The final prototype was used to facilitate product and engineering decision-making.
  • The Google Home App garnered attention in The Verge, engadget and CNET.